Publishing on a given date

If you’ve ever taken a look at either the Life of Jalo or Jermut, you’ve probably noticed that both sites create a daily page for the picture/strip. The way I’ve created it is that each file that needs to be shown is saved with the filename simply as the date (e.g. 20060428.jpg is today’s image in LoJ). This post will show you how the naive approach to triggering something based on the current date and time may backfire and how to solve it.

To prevent people from looking ahead of the current date I used a simple is statement that compared the date now to the image requested. If the imagefile’s name was greater than the current date, a HTTP 403 error code is returned. The code looks like this ($showTime is the date portion of the filename):

      if (date('Ymd') < $showTime) {
	return 403;
      } else {

Of course, by now all of you should be wondering exactly what is the timezone in which the date should change? Well, my intention was that we'd follow a Finland-centric approach to the whole thing and the new image would be visible at the strike of midnight in Finland.

This all worked fine until we moved our hosting from a Finnish provider to DreamHost. The Finnish provider's servers all used EET (Finland's timezone, UTC+0200) and date() worked just fine. DreamHost's servers naturally don't use EET as their default timezone and testing that everything works after I've uploaded an image was a bit too hard. Plus I like seeing the next days picture before I go to bed, or rather having Anna look at it and tell me if something's wrong.

Luckily PHP comes with the function gmdate() that returns the current date and time in UTC. Then, with some simple code we can convert the reference time to EET and we're back at the usual publishing schedule. After you know of the existence of the function, any problems caused by timezones can now be easily solved.

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