Superbowl Monday
So, once again it’s time for me to let my inner American loose and enjoy the Superbowl. Except that for us, it isn’t Sunday anymore. The TV schedule says the game should be finished by 05:30 (yes, in the am). Once again, the aim is to watch the whole game live, but we’ll see how it goes.
But for some odd reason, we won’t be eating loads of food while watching the game, despite the various recipes that I’ve bumped in to.
I learned to watch American football (plain football is what Americans call soccer – go figure) from my Mom when she used to get video tapes of mainly college games through some friends. For a long time I couldn’t figure the game out, but playing it on the computer (some Amiga version in the late 80s/early 90s) helped me understand the game. Now I’ve spent the last few years trying to teach Anna the basics of the sport. By watching a game a year.
I honestly didn’t even know who’s playing until four hours before kick-off. When you get a game a year who’s playing isn’t important. I’ll see who I’m rooting for once the game starts. Old favorites from summers spent in the States are the Eagles and 49ers, but neither made it this year.