Category: Web Development (page 2)
Finnmatkat launches their redesigned site
Avoiding SPAM
Multilingual site development: Part II the lang-attribute
A while back I started writing about this topic. Now reading throught the RDF-IG mailing list archives I came across some discussion on how to use the xml:lang
-attribute in RDF-documents. HTML documents have a similar attribue, lang
, that can be used.
In many cases, the language of an HTML document is set in the opening html
-tag as generally the whole document will be in one language. There are some cases in which other languages are used in parts of documents in which the identification of different languages would be semantically correct. However, I seriously doubt that most authors do not use them. One of the problems that authors face when using the lang
-attribute (in either or both forms) is deciding when to use it.
Web professionals or craftsmen?
The interview of Andy Clarke has really started a buzz about web professionalism that sounded so good to me. While we need to take our education about web standards out of the collective herds of standards users (think preaching to the choir) and educate the coming generations better (as Rob Dickerson Holly Marie Koltz aptly points out), what we really need is to consider what web development really is about.
Both Molly and Roger are heading in the right direction by bringing up and emphasizing the word craft. This struck a nerve with me as I was talking with a friend of mine on how standards based web development is a form of craftmanship instead of just doing the work. Which then lead to a whole discussion of trying to translate craftmanship into Finnish which isn’t an easy task. But I think that Kevin Leitch is in the right direction when he points out that a professional can be defined as anyone who earns money from the work they do.