Our red neighbors are back!
We’ve been able to enjoy a couple of squirrels playing around in the trees behind our apartment during the last few years and we’re glad to see them back now that spring is coming along. Two of them spent most of their time in a tree frolicking and grooming themselves.
The two have been joined by a third squirrel. It could be found pretending to be a hood ornament on an old Lada. While they’re just changing coats from the wintery grey to their summery red, they are definitely Red Squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris).
The pictures were taken with our Canon EOS 300D with a 70-300mm lens. This resulted in a 35mm equivalent focal length of 480mm in these shots. Both have been cropped, colors have been fixed (levels and saturation), and sharpened. The first image has been resized to half its original size and the second one is at its original size. Just goes to show how far the little things were.