Recent Fire and Rescue videos Two recent videos that I made to share on the fire department social media channels. The first one is from… Continue reading “Recent Fire and Rescue videos”…
Live fire exercise – video I really did try to get more footage from our live fire exercise than I finally ended up getting. The… Continue reading “Live fire exercise – video”…
Live fire exercise 8.11.2014 This has been a peculiar year as we’ve had the opportunity to have two live fire exercises followed by controlled… Continue reading “Live fire exercise 8.11.2014”…
After the fire has been put out Springs in a mattress after the fire has been put out. Although I have always known how dangerous most mattresses… Continue reading “After the fire has been put out”…
Inside a burning house Finally got the video from our live fire exercise edited. A more detailed post on lessons learned etc. coming later… Continue reading “Inside a burning house”…